While not having a fixed line as to do with an issue of choice


Ever since the digital revolution, many households no longer have a land line. In fact, many people don't even know what they are! However, there are some very important implications to this. For instance you can't open a sellers account on ebay, because you need a code that you can only obtain via a land-line phone. Although oddly enough you are aloud a buyers account and freely purchase goods. You are unable to acquire a domain or host from some providers, purchase whole sale goods from some suppliers and are extremely limited to almost anything in business. If not having the use of a fixed line has left you feeling somewhat discriminated against, this is probably just some of the reasons why

For instance you can't open a sellers account on ebay, because you need a code that you can only obtain via a land-line phone.

For instance you can't open a sellers account on ebay, because you need a code that you can only obtain via a land-line phone.

In the UK for example there are many online services that require you to have access to a land line.

This is because many people in the UK still have a land line. But if you're one of those people who only has a mobile phone, then how can you access these services? One way is to use a virtual landline service like BVONet.

Although oddly enough you are aloud a buyers account and freely purchase goods.

Although oddly enough you are aloud a buyers account and freely purchase goods, the buyer's account is not the same as sellers account and it is not a business account. You can buy only one item per day with the buyer's account, but this price can vary depending on what it is that you are buying.

The buyer's account is also different than the seller's account, as you cannot sell any items on eBay with this type of account. The buyer's account is used for buying only, and is not a business account. You can buy one item per day with the buyer's account.

You are unable to acquire a domain or host from some providers, purchase whole sale goods from some suppliers and are extremely limited to almost anything in business.

Not having access to a land line can have a significant impact on your ability to run your business. For example, when you register for an eBay account, it is required that you have a landline. Also, many payment processors do not accept orders from individuals without a land line.

In addition, some suppliers will not sell products wholesale to people without telephone numbers (either because they want the business owner’s contact information or because they don’t want to give away their product at all). If you are buying wholesale goods online and need them delivered directly to your home address, this may be difficult without first acquiring a phone number for yourself.

If not having the use of a fixed line has left you feeling somewhat discriminated against, this is probably just some of the reasons why.

There are a number of reasons why you might find yourself without access to a land line. For example, if you're homeless, living in temporary accommodation or in a situation where you can't afford one on your own; or if you live in an area where there's no broadband coverage at all. Whatever your situation may be, it's important that we do something about this problem.

We need to make sure that everyone is able to get connected so they can access essential services such as eBay sellers accounts and domain and host providers. It's also important that we help small businesses grow by giving them the means by which they can advertise their wares online through wholesale goods websites like Alibaba and Amazon Business Marketplace (formerly known as Prime).

While not having a fixed line as to do with an issue of choice, it is important to remember that many households don't have a fixed land line anymore

When thinking about the advantages of having a land line, it's important to consider that many people have dropped their land lines over the years. This isn't only due to the fact that cell phones are more convenient and mobile than ever before, but also because of how difficult it can be for people who live in rural areas or remote locations where cell phone coverage is poor.

In addition to this, land lines aren't always available in urban areas either—they're often harder to find than you might think! If you're looking forward to doing some research on your own personal landline options and need some tips on where they may be hiding within city limits (or beyond them), check out our post on How To Find The Best Landlines In Your Area


If you are feeling as though you have been left behind due to not having a land line, there are ways around this. You can still open an e-bay account and purchase goods from there; although it is important that you know what type of seller protection scheme they use before signing up. You can also contact them via their website or app if there is anything else which needs sorting out with regards to the issue at hand.