What is Courage?
Did you know that most people who appear confident, don't actually really feel that way? Many famous actors, musicians and stand-up comics will tell you how incredibly nervous they feel before they go on stage to perform.
Courage is not the absence of fear but having the confidence and conviction to do something anyway. There maybe negative consequences as a result of taking a risk but the fear of failure should not stop you. Obviously you have to be a little level headed as you make your way through this great adventure that is life. However sometime we have to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Courage comes in all shapes and sizes. Courage can be standing up to oppressors even if it may put your life at risk. Jumping into freezing water or running into a burning building to save another being. It can mean coming out to your friends and family, admitting you made a mistake or baring a shaved head for all to see post chemotherapy. These kinds of acts and behaviours take confidence and inner strength that some people will never know.
Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.PAUL TOURNIER
The image above is a digital piece of art I created a few years ago, Some of my techniques back then were pretty crude and it has an almost childlike style, however I do feel that it encapsulates something about what courage is.
The other face of Bravery.
The Lion is often associated with courage, bravery and leadership. It has a mighty roar, intimidating and threatening. It bears sharp teeth and claws. Is large, muscular and powerful. It is a beast to be feared. It is an animal associated with strength and even nobility. The lion after all is the king of the jungle, an apex predator and protector of the pride.
Occasionally courage comes in the form of aggression, violence and death. It takes great courage to lay your life on the line, to leave your home and family to go to war or to flee from it. It takes courage to wrestle with someone with the intent to prevent them from hurting someone else, Physical force maybe needed to apprehend a criminal or in self defence against an attacker. It is an especially courageous act if it goes against the individuals usual character.
Courage can be subtle or intimidating, a long slow endurance or a sudden act of valour. It can be a movement or an act. A message or a decision. It can be sharing something that leaves you open to vulnerability, judgement or criticism. It can be doing the right thing in an environment or situation where it is rebellious to do so.
Procrastination is the great courage and confidence killer, if you think about something for too long, you can think yourself right out of it. Whereas spontaneity is liberating and a confidence feeder.
To help develop courage and inspire confidence within yourself why not try this exercise that is featured in my 10 day Cultivate Confidence Challenge.
Do something completely different today, no matter how big or small and most importantly of all don't contemplate it for to long. Just go with your instincts and have fun.
If you found this useful and would like to try all 10 of the challenges you can sign up by clicking HERE!
Thank-you for reading, have a wonderful day. &x