The Sound of Self Care.

By Karen Edwards - December 4, 2022

Self Care is essential and it's especially important when life is hitting you upside the head, We all have commitments, responsibilities and pressures to contend with everyday. 

Appointments to attend, social engagements to prepare for and financial obligations. All of which can lead to you forgetting to look after yourself, not meeting your needs and running on an empty tank. You can't give with an empty cup. With such a demanding and hectic lifestyle it's no wonder people are drained, void and depressed. With so much depletion of energy and so much around us trying to compete for our time, attention and money it's no wonder we can often times let ourselves go.  

When we begin to lose interest in our own well being and stop serving ourselves, the rest of our lives start following suit, if this state of mind continues the consequences soon begin to reveal themselves. Your health begins to degenerate, your confidence takes a blow and your relationships begin to suffer.

When I 'get into a funk' I find art is one of my favourite go to activities. The image above is one of my pieces and it's a reminder to myself that it's okay to indulge sometimes and treat ourselves to a little of what we fancy.

Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful.


When you get into that kind of downward spiral of thoughts and behaviours, stop. What can you do to turn this situation around? Firstly you can stop the noise. When you next get the opportunity, take a few minutes just to sit down and breath. Silence is beautiful, it is the sound of self care. 

Once you have quietened the chatter, calmed the chaos you can think about what you can do to lift your mood. What gets you excited? What makes your heart sing? What is it that you can do, that you know would help even if you don't feel like you have the time, energy or inclination to do it right now. Within the next 24 hours I want you to.

Do something for yourself today, knowing that you deserve it. Society expects so much of people in the world today that you can wind up feeling guilty for all the thing's that you haven't done or should be doing. Why? Have a good think about your average day and everything that you normally do. I bet it's a lot and at times pretty stressful too. Indulge yourself and feel confident in the fact that you really do deserve to gift yourself some self care.

Sitting in silence or meditation and rewarding yourself are 2 of the best methods of self care. Something that brings you joy, highers your vibration and shifts your mood can really be a catalyst for change in your life. Which is why you will find both of these featured in my Cultivate Confidence 10 Day Challenge. If you found any of these exercises helpful you might want to check out all 10 by clicking HERE!

Thank-you for reading have a wonderful day &x


Did you know that most people who appear confident, don't actually really feel that way? Many famous actors, musicians and stand-up comics will tell you how incredibly nervous they feel before they go on stage to perform.