take a break

It's ok to take a break once in awhile. Your body needs time to repair, rest and renew its energy. This will ensure that you have the ability to do whatever it is you want to do in life. Take some time each day for yourself and learn how to relax so your energy can be renewed in a healthy way. If we don't take care of ourselves first then we are unable to take care of others around us as well.

When you feel your body is being drained, take a break.

You know you need to take a break when you feel your body is being drained. When you're focusing on a task, the body's stress levels increase and the heart rate rises.

This might result in muscle tension, stiffness and general fatigue. In addition to feeling tired or fatigued, other signs that it's time for a break include headaches, shortness of breath or an upset stomach.

Whether you're sitting at your desk or working out at the gym, taking regular breaks can help reduce stress levels by releasing endorphins into your bloodstream and improving blood circulation throughout the body. They also give us an opportunity to re-energize ourselves mentally so that we can return more relaxed and refreshed when we get back into work mode again!

It's ok to stop and rest.

We've all been there: you're sitting in a meeting, talking about a project for the future, and suddenly realize you've been staring at your hands for 45 minutes. You've been so focused on listening to others that you haven't heard a word they've said. You may have even daydreamed about something else entirely!

It's ok to not be busy or productive all the time—that's what vacations are for! The same goes when it comes to mental health; if your mind needs a break from its usual responsibilities, take one. It's important not only for your physical well-being but also your mental well-being as well.

This will give your body time to recover and repair.

Rest is important for you to repair and regenerate. Rest will give your body time to recover from the stresses of life, time to repair the damage caused by stress, and time to repair the damage caused by overworking.

A little bit of rest every day is great for your health, but it’s not always that easy to fit in. If you’re like me, you may find yourself too busy or unable to take a break from whatever it is that you need rest from so that you can sleep or watch TV shows on Netflix before bedtime - in fact, this week I was so busy with work (and life) that I only got up ten minutes before my alarm went off on Friday morning!

Get that much needed sleep.

Sleep is one of the most crucial components of your daily health. Not only does it help you to feel more rested, but it also helps with memory retention and brain function. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived people perform lower in tests than those who get adequate sleep. If you want to be at peak performance while working out, going to class or doing anything else then getting enough sleep is a must!

To ensure that you get an adequate amount of quality rest each night, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to bed at roughly the same time every night

  • Limit caffeine intake after noon

  • Make sure your bedroom is quiet and dark

Don't wait until you are completely exhausted, because then it will be too late.

Don't wait until you are completely exhausted, because then it will be too late. You'll have to go to the doctor and he will tell you to rest. But in your head, all you can think is that there is more work to do and how much longer can I make this last? And so you push yourself even harder.

Your body will eventually get sick. It's inevitable—you've been working day-in and day-out for months on end without a break or any time off (or even lunch). The only way out is up: once we reach our highest point of exhaustion (and we all have), there's nowhere else left but down again… We need a reset button!

Your body is a very delicate piece of machinery with limits as with anything overworked and not treated with care will become damaged and worn.

You are a very delicate piece of machinery with limits as with anything overworked and not treated with care will become damaged and worn. Your body is a very delicate piece of machinery with limits as with anything overworked and not treated with care will become damaged and worn. You need to treat your body with tender loving care and respect it fully by giving it the time for rest, relaxation and renewal so that you can be the best version of yourself possible.

You need to treat your body with tender loving care and respect it fully.

You need to treat your body with tender loving care and respect it fully. Your body is a very delicate piece of machinery: if you don't take care of it, it will become damaged and worn down. Every part of your physical being needs to be cared for in order for you to be able to function properly; if this doesn’t happen, then all sorts of problems can arise.

For example, imagine that you have been exercising hard every day at the gym in order to lose weight but are still having trouble losing enough pounds before summer starts up again. This could indicate low levels of vitamin D—which can be easily fixed by taking supplements or eating more foods high in vitamin D (such as salmon). If this is not done properly then there would be many other repercussions besides just poor health: perhaps people won't like looking at me because I'm too fat!

Eat properly, sleep well, exercise, drink lots of water and learn how to relax so you don't burn out too quickly.

  • Eat properly.

  • Sleep for 7-8 hours per night.

  • Exercise regularly.

  • Drink plenty of water, or other non-sugary drinks like green tea or coffee without sugar. Avoid sodas, as they are filled with chemicals that will make you feel tired and make it hard to focus on the task at hand (which is why they're so popular).

  • Learn how to relax so you don't burn out too quickly when working on something important; this includes meditation and yoga, among other things (more info below).

There's nothing wrong with taking a break so your energy can be renewed in a healthy way.

You'll be more productive if you take a break.

There's nothing worse than working so hard that your brain starts to feel like mush and your body starts to ache. If you wait until you're exhausted to take a break, it can end up being too late—you may get sick or stressed out in the long run. Instead of letting yourself get so worn down by overwork, make sure that you're taking real breaks from time to time so that your energy can be renewed in a healthy way.


I hope this article has given you some insight into how we can take care of our bodies better. It's important to understand that you are not a machine and therefore cannot work 24/7 without any breaks or rest periods. You need to be aware of your limits and respect them by giving yourself enough time off from work so that you can recuperate properly. When we overwork ourselves too much without giving ourselves proper time off for recovery purposes, it becomes very dangerous because our bodies will eventually break down from being pushed too hard all the time without any kind of relief!