Initiations are a tried-and-true method of cult recruitment. One of the most effective ways to start a cult is to create a culture of initiation. Initiation requires new members to publicly subject themselves to a series of tests and challenges that are designed to measure the person's worthiness for membership. Before joining, new members may be instructed how to avoid or neutralize cults' attempts at recruitment. Many groups will insist ...
A healer is the only person who can properly heal the sick and injured. Healers can also use their powers for good, such as making friends and finding their purpose in life. If you're considering becoming an healer, here are some things that might help.Use this healer to make friends, find your purpose and become a mentor.Use this healer to make friends, find your purpose and become a mentor.*The power ...
If you want to heal yourself, the first thing you have to do is learn how to be self-aware. The world is full of people who want to help themselves heal, but they don’t know where to begin. They don’t understand that their thoughts and emotions play a huge part in the healing process. So with this guide and our top tips for self-healing, we hope that you'll be able ...
If you're looking to get creative and make some form, here are some ideas of things you can use.ThumbtacksA thumbtack is a good way to make a form. You can use thumbtacks and paper, cardboard, plastic or metal to make any shape you want.StickersStickers are a great way to add some personality to your form. They can be used in many different ways, including:To create shapes, such as circles or ...
The body, mind and spirit are all connected. When there is a disease in the body or mind, it will affect your spirit.Mind SicknessThe mind is the seat of our emotions. It is the storehouse of our thoughts. It is the source of our imagination, and it is the center of our will power. The seat of your emotions lies in your heart, but what does that mean? To answer ...
A master's degree is an advanced academic degree earned by students who have completed a bachelor's degree and wish to further their education in a particular field or subject. Master's degrees are available in many different subjects, including business, education and engineering. In addition to the coursework required for a master's degree, students may also be required to complete an internship or do research with their professors as part of ...
attunement is a skill that allows you to tap into your inner wisdom. You can use this skill to make smarter choices and feel more comfortable in the world around you.attunement is connecting to your inner wisdom.Attunement is the process of learning to listen to your inner wisdom. It’s a way of connecting with your soul and cultivating an attitude of openness, curiosity and acceptance in order to receive guidance ...
IntroductionIf you work in an office, then your environment can be really important to how you feel. It is worth making sure that it suits you, so that your work feeds your happiness. Also, you need to be able to have some moments of calm and tranquility wherever you work. So make sure you take the time to look at what makes your environment suit you. Look at how you ...
IntroductionGossiping is an awful thing to do, but unfortunately it happens in every office. The worst part about it is that gossipers can make your day miserable with just one word. If you want to avoid being a victim of office gossip, then these tips will help keep you safe:Ignore them> When you are in an office, there is bound to be some people who like to talk about others. ...
IntroductionWhether you're working in an office, warehouse or call center it's important to build a solid team. Working together as a unit will increase productivity and efficiency, which can ultimately help your company grow. There are many ways to make this happen but I'm going to share some of my favorite tips with you so that you can start building your own winning team:Teamwork Makes the Dream WorkIf you’re anything ...

Did you know that most people who appear confident, don't actually really feel that way? Many famous actors, musicians and stand-up comics will tell you how incredibly nervous they feel before they go on stage to perform.