IntroductionYou know who you are. You have a plan for your life and you're working towards it. And when things get rough, you're there for yourself. You do the hard work because it's worth it in the long run. You hold yourself accountable, even when no one else will. You aren't doing this for them--you're doing this for you!You have had the benefit of an extended life to have learned ...
Self love is a journey.It's not something you can just "get" or "do". It's something you have to commit to. You have to be willing to put in the time and energy that it takes to really see the changes you want in your life.Here are some ways to get started:-Start by being kinder to yourself. What do you think about when you look in the mirror? Do you tell ...
Doing nothing is not only a luxury, but also a necessity. Even if you feel like you're too busy to take a few minutes out of your day to relax, we assure you that doing so will not only help you physically but also emotionally.StopDo not worry about what you are doing. Do not worry that it is not something else. Do not worry whether what you are doing will ...
creativityIntroductionInnovation is a funny thing: the definition of it, at least according to Merriam Webster, is "the act or process of inventing something new." But what does that mean? In our case at Distillery, we define innovation as doing something that has never been done before. But what if everyone's already doing that? Where do we go from here?In this blog post I'm going to explore three different types of ...
There's nothing like a long soak in a tub filled with warm water. It's the perfect way to relax, unwind, and escape from the day-to-day routine.The act of just slowing down and being present is so good for you.Bath time is a great time to practice mindfulness. The act of just slowing down and being present, even for a few minutes, is so good for you. It allows you to ...
I'm sure you've heard of the benefits of going for a walk. You know it's healthy, and that it helps boost your mood and energy levels. But did you also know that walking outside in the fresh air can increase your happiness? This is because when we're outside, we get exposed to negative ions, which are known to help improve our moods. Negative ions are found in high concentrations on ...
Meditation and day dreaming are two different things, but they're both equally important. Meditation is a great way to clear your mind, focus on something and really take some time for yourself. Meditating can help you reach a state of deep relaxation, calm and peace - all very good things when it comes to managing stress and anxiety. Day dreaming is more about letting your imagination run wild, making up ...
Hey, you. You're a good person. You deserve me time, and you know what? It's not selfish! So go ahead and take some for yourself.Don't feel like you have to be productiveDon't feel like you have to be productive.I know, I know: it's hard to resist the urge to check off all those tasks on your ever-growing list. But if you're anything like me and most other people in the ...
Having trouble sleeping? Are you tossing and turning all night, unable to get to sleep or even stay asleep? If this is happening regularly, it could be time to rethink some of your habits. A few simple changes can have a dramatic effect on your quality of sleep at night and help you get more restful shut eye each night. Here are some of them:Once you are ready to sleep, ...
It's ok to take a break once in awhile. Your body needs time to repair, rest and renew its energy. This will ensure that you have the ability to do whatever it is you want to do in life. Take some time each day for yourself and learn how to relax so your energy can be renewed in a healthy way. If we don't take care of ourselves first then ...