How to Boost Confidence? With a 10 Day Challenge!

By Karen Edwards - March 16, 2022

If you have ever felt confident in your life about anything;- your culinary skills, your beautiful singing voice, your parenting abilities or your financial prowess. You will know just how intoxicating that feeling of being self-assured and optimistic is. 

How much more alive you feel, how much more energy you seem to have, how much more productive you are. You become more content in your own skin and accepting of yourself, your life and your environment. Comfortable with who you are, as you are and you look forward to the future.  

The world becomes an easier place to navigate, you walk differently and things seem to begin to go your way. With a healthy dose of confidence you can take on the world and win. You can go for that promotion, create that website, make that first YouTube video, ask your crush out or go skydiving. 

Without crafting confidence and self belief I would not have created this primal eye picture below, let alone gathered the nerve to share it. You may also have noticed a link for a YouTube video above, it is a song that I wrote, I am singing and it's available for the whole world to hear. If I had not been gutsy it is a dream of mine that would not have happened at all.


A significant contribution to a lack of confidence comes from negative self talk and limiting beliefs. It can be easy to fall into a pattern of putting yourself down, to feeling like you are not enough or letting other peoples low vibes affect your energy.

The polarity of doubt and certainty is an awfully wide one, when you are unsure of yourself and your ability to make good decisions the exact opposite becomes true. When you are lacking in confidence, you are anxious, stressed and tired. You are more prone to illness and you tend not to indulge in a whole lot of self care. 

This is one of the many reasons that self-esteem and confidence are so highly regarded. So highly sought after and oh so precious. A confident person will get out of their comfort zone and try new things, a confident person will speak to that stranger and make a new connection, a confident person will make themselves seen and heard! Where as the shy, retiring or awkward individual may miss out on a myriad of opportunities only because they didn't have the confidence to try.

The real question is what can we do to improve our confidence? Gaining confidence and feeling happier within yourself is easier to achieve then you might first imagine. There are various ways and means to become more confident and like with anything it's just a matter of learning and practising them. 

One technique that I found very useful when I practised it and why I added it to the 10 day Cultivate Confidence Challenge that I created, is to write a list as long as you possibly can about all of your positive and valuable assets. 

It does not matter if it seems trivial or insignificant, weather it was something you did yesterday or years ago. Anything you have ever won and all your great personality traits, if you are a great juggler or gardener, put that down too. Write it all down, don't miss a single thing out and make the list as long as you possibly can. Go on do it now. Grab a pen and paper or send yourself an email.

This is for you to keep, refer back to it and read it back to yourself on the regular. Add to it as and when you think of something. Confidence like happiness is an inside job, it starts and ends with you always. 

If you found this exercise useful you may want to try all 10. You can take part in the 10 Day Cultivating Confidence Challenge by clicking HERE! 

Thank-you for taking the time to read, have a wonderful day. &x


Did you know that most people who appear confident, don't actually really feel that way? Many famous actors, musicians and stand-up comics will tell you how incredibly nervous they feel before they go on stage to perform.