Having trouble sleeping?
Having trouble sleeping? Are you tossing and turning all night, unable to get to sleep or even stay asleep? If this is happening regularly, it could be time to rethink some of your habits. A few simple changes can have a dramatic effect on your quality of sleep at night and help you get more restful shut eye each night. Here are some of them:
Once you are ready to sleep, do so without delay. If you are not feeling sleepy, try to read a book or listen to some soothing music. Do not engage in activities that occupy your mind and make you less tired.
Try to avoid watching TV or using your phone.
Read a book or listen to some soothing music.
Do not engage in activities that occupy your mind and make you less tired.
Avoid eating heavy meals close to bedtime, as this can cause indigestion and stomach discomfort that may keep you awake.
Clean up your sleeping environment and make it more conducive to sleeping by eliminating or reducing noise and light. Use ear plugs if required.
To ensure you get better sleep at night, take steps to clean up your sleeping environment and make it more conducive to sleeping by eliminating or reducing noise and light. Use earplugs if required (or even a fan) to drown out noise, use black out curtains if you are sensitive to light and/or use an eye mask if you are sensitive at all times of day.
Get rid of caffeine drinks such as coffee, tea, coke etc. They contain caffeine which is a strong stimulant. Caffeine can stay in your system for several hours. This means that if you drink coffee even close to bedtime, it will stay in your system and make it difficult to fall asleep on time.
Get rid of caffeine drinks such as coffee, tea, coke etc. They contain caffeine which is a strong stimulant. Caffeine can stay in your system for several hours. This means that if you drink coffee even close to bedtime, it will stay in your system and make it difficult to fall asleep on time.
Avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime as well because it can also make you feel tired the following day and leave you feeling very drowsy when trying to get some sleep at night.
Do not eat heavy meals close to bedtime and neither should you go to bed hungry. Either condition may keep you awake as well as give you a feeling of low energy the following day if you do not get enough sleep at night.
Do not eat heavy meals close to bedtime and neither should you go to bed hungry. Either condition may keep you awake as well as give you a feeling of low energy the following day if you do not get enough sleep at night.
Eat a light meal 2 hours before going to bed, or have only a snack supper instead of dinner if this is more convenient for your schedule. This will help ensure that your digestive system is ready for rest when it's time for bed.
Avoid naps during daytime unless it is absolutely necessary. As far as possible try not to nap till late afternoon so that you are more tired at night and fall asleep sooner when you do hit the sack.
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When you find yourself struggling with sleep problems, it is important to take the time necessary to identify the cause and make changes in your lifestyle. Good sleep hygiene can help improve your overall quality of life by reducing stress levels and making you feel more rested when you wake up each morning.