Doing nothing

Doing nothing is not only a luxury, but also a necessity. Even if you feel like you're too busy to take a few minutes out of your day to relax, we assure you that doing so will not only help you physically but also emotionally.


Do not worry about what you are doing. Do not worry that it is not something else. Do not worry whether what you are doing will lead to something else, or whether you have done enough of it. You are here now, and this is your world, so stop worrying about what could be happening elsewhere.

Take a break from everything: the past, future and present. Focus on your breath and watch it as it goes in and out of your body; notice where the air feels warmest or coolest as it passes through your nostrils into your lungs; feel how different parts of the body move with each breath – chest rising up and down; stomach pushing out then pulling back in again; rib cage expanding from front to back; shoulders moving up toward ears then settling back down again...


Breathing is one of the most crucial things that you can do, yet it's often overlooked. Breathing is a form of meditation and can help you relax, focus on your work, sleep better, and even stay calm in stressful situations.

If you've ever been in a yoga class, then you know what I'm talking about: deep breaths. Inhale through your nose for four seconds; hold your breath for seven seconds; exhale through your mouth for eight seconds; hold for four seconds again (and repeat). This process calms the mind down significantly and allows us to be more focused on whatever we're doing at the time—whether it's working or sleeping or meditating on our own personal happiness or whatever else floats your boat.

Be still

Do absolutely nothing.

This can be challenging, but it will pay off in the end. When you feel stressed out or overwhelmed, stop and breathe. Focus on your breathing. Focus on how your heart is beating; notice how your chest rises and falls with each breath you take in and out. Pay attention to any sounds that are going on around you: a clock ticking away, trees rustling softly in the breeze outside your window, birds chirping at sunrise or sunset—whatever captures your attention at that moment should be enough for you to focus on without needing anything else distracting from these natural sounds.

Ignore your schedule and worries for a few minutes

You know what? It's fine to do nothing for a few minutes. You can't escape your responsibilities forever, but for now, you can give yourself a break from them.

In fact, in those moments when you're sitting idly at home or at work and feel like everything is on fire and burning down around you—those are exactly the moments where it's most important to do absolutely nothing.

In those moments when all of your obligations seem too much and every task seems impossible—and also every possible solution to said problem seems equally impossible—that's exactly when we need to take time away from our schedules so that we can come up with new solutions (or maybe just think about not thinking).

Do nothing consciously for a little bit of time

I'm sure you're wondering why it's important to do nothing, and the answer is simple: we never get to do enough of it. We live in a world where everything is constantly moving forward, and we're constantly pressured to keep up with that movement. We have responsibilities at work, relationships we need to maintain, social media accounts filled with content from our friends' lives that they want us to see—all while trying not to miss out on anything ourselves. But when was the last time you paused just long enough for yourself? It could be right now; even as you read these words right now is an opportunity for you (and me) to take a moment away from everything else going on around us and just breathe without feeling guilty about doing so!

I've learned through personal experience that taking this time for myself has changed my life more than anything else I've ever done before; I feel more relaxed even after only five minutes away from my phone charger than I used too before this new habit started forming within me! It might seem like such a small thing but it will make all the difference if done consistently over time--especially if those five minutes become ten or fifteen instead each day! Just remember: no one needs perfect balance at once--it will come naturally over time as long as we keep practicing good habits :)

Beat the guilt

Once you begin to do nothing, don’t feel guilty about it. It’s okay if you don’t get anything done. You can take a break and recharge your battery, so to speak. At first this may feel like failure or laziness but eventually, once you start seeing the benefits of not doing anything, you will realize that taking time out for yourself is necessary and important. You should never feel bad about not doing anything!

Enjoy your nothingness and don't feel guilty about it

The first step is doing nothing. You have to stop feeling guilty about it, because if you don't, you'll never be able to fully enjoy your nothingness.

If you're a freelancer who's used to working from home, this may feel impossible at first. But by focusing on the idea of what makes you happy and making yourself comfortable with the idea of doing nothing, it will get easier over time. There are plenty of ways to do this: driving out into nature or taking a nap are good options if they suit your personality type!

The next step is not feeling guilty about not being productive at work. It sounds counterintuitive: how can one be productive without actually being productive? The answer lies in finding other ways besides work that allow us our own personal growth and happiness—which in turn leads us back into productivity when our lives aren't centered around work! That way we can both contribute positively towards our companies while also being content as individuals."

No matter how busy you are, you deserve some time to do absolutely nothing

You need to be able to switch off. You deserve some time to do absolutely nothing.

It's not easy to learn how to relax and recharge, especially for a generation that's been raised on the idea of being busy all the time. But if you want to be productive, then it's important that you have time when your mind is switched off, so that it can process everything that's happened during the day and make decisions about what needs doing tomorrow.

The best way I've found for myself is going for walks in nature (especially along beaches) with my phone in airplane mode; this means I can't be distracted by notifications or calls from work colleagues or family members while I'm trying not just relax but switch off completely!


There is a richness to nothingness that we often overlook. By taking some time to do absolutely nothing, you can tap into the power of stillness and silence. Embrace this gift and enjoy your life!