Avoid the office gossips.
Gossiping is an awful thing to do, but unfortunately it happens in every office. The worst part about it is that gossipers can make your day miserable with just one word. If you want to avoid being a victim of office gossip, then these tips will help keep you safe:
Ignore them
> When you are in an office, there is bound to be some people who like to talk about others. They can't help themselves. They have no boundaries and will do anything to get their gossip out there.
> The best thing you can do is ignore them completely. Don't even look at them when they are talking about someone else behind their back; just keep your head down so that they know that you don't care about what they have to say about anyone else. If someone mentions something negative about another person, don't engage in any conversation with them—just walk away from the situation as quickly as possible because there's no point in getting caught up in an argument over nothing!
Avoid eye contact
Learn to avoid eye contact at all costs, and don't even give the impression that you are listening. If they try to get your attention, ignore them or look away. If they try to get your attention again, don't even look at them!
Don't enter the conversation
Don't let them drag you into their conversations: If someone starts gossiping, don’t enter the conversation. It is like going to a party and finding out everyone has already made plans for dinner—there will be no room for you at that table.
Don’t even look like you are listening: If people notice that you are not engaged in their conversation, they might think that it is because they have nothing interesting to say or because they are boring. Both options are bad for your reputation and can make others question whether or not they want to engage with you as well.
Ignore them: When others start gossiping around the water cooler or break room table, try not to react at all; simply pretend as if nothing has happened when one person mentions another’s name in an unflattering way. This way, other employees who might be watching will see how calm and collected you are when confronted by this type of situation instead of panicking every time someone drops a negative comment about another employee (or boss).
Leave the area
Leave the area immediately. A great way to avoid the office gossips is by simply walking away from them. You can go to the bathroom, the kitchen, outside or even another floor—but stay away from them!
If you feel like you have no choice but to stay in their radius of influence and listen in on their conversation, then just do your best not to engage with them. Maybe choose a good book or something else that will keep you occupied while they talk about things that aren't actually happening (or at least aren't worthy of anyone's attention).
Don't even look like you are listening
Be sure to look like you're busy working. Keep your head down and don't even think about looking up at the gossips.
Don't give the gossipers any indication that you are listening by laughing, sighing, or nodding along.
Don't let them know that you are aware of what they are saying by making eye contact with them or their friends.
If possible, try to avoid talking directly with the person who is gossiping (or any other person involved in a group conversation) and simply keep working until they leave so that no one can accuse you of joining in on their talk!
Keep your head down and do your work. If they have nothing to say to you, then they can not get in the way of your day by wasting it with their words.
The best way to avoid the gossips is to keep your head down and do your work. If they have nothing to say to you, then they can not get in the way of your day by wasting it with their words. When at work, try not even look at them or appear as if you are listening to any of their gossiping. If this is not possible because you need something from them, simply ask for what you want without engaging them in conversation.
If this still doesn’t work and they continue on trying to talk with you about someone else's business (which would include anything personal), just try leaving the area until they are done talking about it or move away from that person altogether so that no one else will hear their slanderous words either!
Do not engage with gossips. They will only drag you down, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. If they are talking behind your back, then they are not worth your time or energy. Just keep to yourself and focus on doing your job well so that others see that you have nothing to hide from them